
    The INTECO project aims to improve the process of international cooperation and cooperation with the economy of HEIs in WB countries through networking with EU HEIs and the economic sector. The project aims to achieve this by creating new International Cooperation Centres (ICC) and Career Development Centres (CDC) at WB HEIs, and by developing an Internationalization Strategy with the help of EU partners.
    The Ministry of Education and Science is in the process of creating a new strategic plan. The main reasons for initiating the initiative to create a new plan are that the current strategy will cease to be valid by the end of 2022, and it is necessary to create a new strategic document as a comprehensive public policy document in the field of education development in Bosnia and Herzegovina, which takes into account and values the achieved results, changes in the context from 2012 to today.
    In the joint project of the European Union and the Council of Europe "Priorities for the Development of Higher Education in Bosnia and Herzegovina for the period 2016-2026," a plan is outlined that concerns the connection between the labour market and higher education, in which, among other things, it is planned to modernize existing and increase the number of study programs for qualifications that are in demand on the labour market, as well as to give high priority to research and innovation at higher education institutions - which should be supported by governments - and focus innovation on priority areas (new industries, Horizon projects, etc.).

    • Objective 1: Creation of new ICC (International cooperation centers).
      • The main goal of the ICC is to contribute to capacity building and raising the level of the quality of education and scientific research activities of the University through international cooperation and the realization of international projects. The ICC will provide advisory assistance to applicants in the preparation of project applications, organize individual meetings and consultations dedicated to writing and submitting project applications, provide administrative and technical support during project implementation, inform about open competitions for application of project applications, events and other information important for international cooperation activities, organize informative days dedicated to open calls and current opportunities for applying, monitor the implementation of international project activities, prepare project proposals for programs and topics of general importance for the University.
        Indicators for measuring achievement: percentage of successful project applications submitted by WB HEIs, percentage of applicants who received advisory assistance from the ICC, percentage of international projects implemented successfully, percentage of events and information sessions organized by the ICC that were attended by WB HEIs, percentage of project proposals prepared by the ICC that was accepted and funded.

    • Objective 2: Development of the Internationalization Strategy.
      • The main objectives of the Strategy will be: improvement of study programs, increasing the number of incoming and outgoing mobility, improving cooperation with foreign universities, research institutions, the economy and other partner institutions through international projects, digitization, inclusion and environmental sustainability. 
        Indicators for measuring achievement: percentage of study programs reviewed and improved, percentage increase in the number of incoming and outgoing mobility opportunities, percentage of international projects implemented successfully, percentage of digitization, inclusion, and environmental sustainability initiatives implemented successfully.

    • Objective 3: Creation of new CDC (Career development centers).
      • The role of the CDC will be to help students and graduates of WB HEIs in realizing their career plan, i.e. to help them acquire relevant experience, knowledge and skills during their studies that will be important for further training and employment, as well as to connect them with the business community and prepare them for a successful entry into the labour market after graduation.
        The center will be designed as a student service that provides users of its services with information about opportunities for improvement and/or gaining relevant experience during studies, opportunities for mobility and continuing education and training in the country and abroad, as well as to provide them with support when entering the labour market after graduation.
        With its program of services, through workshops and courses, the center will strive to support students in developing the knowledge and skills that are necessary for them in the labor market today. The center will organize scholarship fairs, language courses, internships, workshops and presentations, presentation of professions, programs and company presentations. All CDC services will be free.
        Indicators for measuring achievement: percentage of students and graduates who used the services of the CDC, percentage of workshops, courses, and other activities organized by the CDC. that were attended by students and graduates, percentage of scholarship fairs, language courses, internships, and other opportunities organized by the CDC. that were attended by students and graduates, percentage of students and graduates who found employment after graduation.

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